Finally, An End of Sorts

So, after an early morning conference call, all I can say is, "I told you so."

I've been telling my husband for a year and a half now that the financial burden was going to be laid on me since I'm the one with the steady, reliable income. He kept insisting we wouldn't be held responsible for the full amount because of his heart attack and unemployment.

After reviewing each of our assets and expenses, the verdict came: one person is in the negative (my husband) and one person is in the positive (me). Because one person is in the positive (me), the full amount owed must be paid.

I told you so.

I told you so.

I told you so.


I mean really, it's not rocket science. It's money owed because someone thought he was smarter than the system and could get away with fudging numbers despite me constantly telling him he was going to cause financial problems for us. Gee, look what happened. Exactly what I said was going to happen.

Even during the conference call, after being told the offer in compromise wasn't going to be accepted, he was sitting there saying, "But, but, but . . .." I am so sick and tired of him trying to wheedle his way out of a situation he created.

Now it's time to set up the payment plan. Now I'll find out if my going minimalist and cutting back on lots of areas in my life will be enough to attack this and get it paid off within two years. I feel like I've put myself in a good position to make this happen, but I'll only truly know once I start paying.

Speaking of paying . . . I will no longer pay Amazon to ship products to my home within a two-day window. I'm canceling my Amazon prime account. I simply can't stomach the amount of money the company takes in, and how little it puts out to help the world. It's shameful, really. So, I'm done with it. And I'm done with ordering things from Amazon. Whatever I think I need I'll order directly from the company that makes it, or I'll go to a store right here in town. I might spend a bit more with this approach, but I'll feel better about where my money is going.


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