Waitin' for the Snow

It's like a collective holding of the breath right now. The sky has turned dark gray with snow clouds, and the weather service has issued two warnings: snow accumulation and wind chill. Looks like anywhere from 6-8 inches of the white stuff and bitterly cold winds are creeping our way. I'm all set. Got my next book underway (Driftless by David Rhodes--loving it!), got plenty of eats in the house, and got quilts at my fingertips just in case the house gets chillier than it already is. Yesterday we had frozen pipes going into the washer, but thankfully Hubby was able to get those taken care of with no disaster happening (like the unfortunate soul who burned his house down trying to thaw out pipes by using a blow torch). I'm just hoping we get past tomorrow's arctic blast with pipes intact. Burst pipes are no fun. I'm truly thankful we dodged the bullet yesterday.

Today, I peeked into my hoop house, thinking no way was there going to be anything growing, but surprise, surprise, I have sprouts! I can't remember exactly what I planted in that one particular square of the hoop house (I am notoriously bad about labeling what I plant; I need to work on this), but there's something green dotting the soil. We've been quite cold for some time now, so having something growing (wow, that's a lot of -ing words) in these temps amazes me. Now that I know something is actually growing, I'll be checking on it constantly to see what it's doing. Maybe by February I'll be able to tell exactly what it is.

Since Wednesday, I've only watched 1 hour of television. Go me! Hubby sits alone in the living room these days, watching his programs. When he asks me what I'm doing, my response is usually, "Reading." I've read more in the last four days than I have in the last year. I finished Zombie Apocalypse and started Driftless, and I've read lots of blogs. When I was a kid, my family called me Bookworm because, well, I always had a book in my hands. As an adult, I've gotten away from reading just for the sheer joy of the story. I turned more to nonfiction, how-to types of books. With Zombie Apocalypse, I felt that joy of the story again. I'm feeling it even more so with Driftless. I love each and every one of the characters in Driftless. They've become family to me. I never feel that when watching a TV program.

Just writing about Driftless is making me want to go read some more. If the snow and cold really do hit us like we keep being told they will, I'll probably have the book finished sometime tomorrow. This reading thing is fun.

*Update*: just finished our Eating In Dinner Day 4. Angel Baby helped me prepare veal piccata with sour cream and Parmesan noodles. I love watching everyone eat up the meal and say how delicious it was. For dessert, the first loaf from my new bread maker had just finished, so we had warm bread with butter and jam or raw honey. Total cost for the meal (not including the cost of the bread maker) was right around $5 per person. I'm loving eating in. I'm considering taking what we're saving by eating in and putting it in my savings account. It'd be interesting to see what the total is at the end of the year.


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