One of Those Days

No workout today. The time just slipped right by, one of those days where 9 p.m. shows up and you're stunned the day is about gone. I'm not sure what happened other than stuff just got in the way--grocery shopping, installing an ethernet line for the boys' XBox, house cleaning, reading, writing, and fixing meals. Oh, and watching a movie with the boys, a movie they'd been asking to see for quite awhile. While I'm a little bummed I didn't run or bike today, I'm okay with having a day off. The interval/hill training yesterday showed up as hip/thigh soreness today, getting worse as the afternoon progressed. Taking it easy today is probably a good thing.

I know I'll get back at it tomorrow. The weather, though, isn't looking too promising for the rest of the week. Rain in the forecast everyday means having to get back on the treadmill. I promised myself I'd only run outside from now on, but now, as I think about it furhter, I could run in the rain as long as there's no lightning. I've never done this except for the sprint tri in April, and it wasn't so bad then. I kind of liked it. Biking may be a bit more hazardous in the rain, but I rode in downpours during the sprint tri, too, so it can be done. Just slower.

I really only want to focus on the running right now, though. With the upcoming sprint tri, we're doing it as a relay, and I'm the runner. My goal is to finally get the run finished in 29 minutes or less. The more I read about running and see the people who run really fast, the more I'm thinking I'm just not built to run distance. I'm not tall and slim. I'm average height and thick with muscle. This seems to be working against me. Talk about frustrating. I'm not ready to give up, though. I'm going to take this month before the sprint tri to work on getting faster. I truly think it can be done.


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