New Event

After biking with a friend a little over a week ago, and he telling me I'm not a runner but am most definitely a biker, I started looking into biking events. I've found out there are many rides not far from where I live, and I can choose the distance I'd like to bike for the event. Totally going to go for it. And I've talked Hubby into riding with me for the first one.

So, for our first ride, we're going to do either the 25 mile ride or the 40 mile ride. Hubby would really like to do the 10 miler, but that's not gonna happen. Even if I have to tie a rope onto him and drag him along behind, he's going to do at least the 25 miler. A cool thing about this event is once we reach the 25 miles mark, we can decide to call it quits or keep going and do the 40 miler. I'd like to do the 40, but we'll just have to wait and see.

Part of me feels like I'm giving up with the running. I keep saying I'm going to continue running, and I'm going to keep trying to bring my time down, but I don't enjoy running at all. The whole time I'm out there I'm cussing and am so focused on how awful I feel that I don't get anything out of it. With the biking, I love every minute of it. The hills. The wind. The rain. All of it pumps me up. While I wish running did the same for me, it doesn't. I've reached the point where I'm asking, "Why torture myself when I don't really have to?"

Enough torture. Come September I'll give the 40 miler a go, and who knows, maybe in October I'll try a century ride, end the season with a bang.


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