Lake Ride

This morning we biked around the lake. With little traffic, a cool breeze coming off the lake, wildlife that inspires, and the scattered hills along the way, the lake route proves to always be enjoyable as well as invigorating. By the end of the 12 miles, and since I'm not pushing it too much since Hubby can't keep up, the legs feel somewhat fatigued but not overly so, which makes me want to return soon to see just how fast I can actually do the route. One day in the very near future, once Hubby puts the new cassette on his bike, maybe he'll be able to keep up and make me work harder. I'm looking foward to not having to slow down.

Today a doe with her fawn, a little one that couldn't have been more than a day or two old, stood on the shoulder of one of the back roads. She watched us approach, and when we were about twenty yards away, she turned and darted into the cornfield. The fawn didn't follow. Rather, it ran along the shoulder, crossed the road and went into an field of tall grasses. I know the mom will bleat, calling to her young, and they will be reunited, but as a mom I also know separation is scary.

Other days we've seen a hen turkey with her young, several chicks that follow obediently. We've seen great blue herons glide over the lake to land at the water's edge. We've also seen a bald eagle. The lake ride soothes my being, makes the rest of the day all the more easy to deal with.


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