Taking a Deep Breath Before the Summer Games Begin

My bum has been planted in this darn chair all day. And I wonder why my clothes are getting tighter! But, I'm nearly finished with putting my entire summer online classes in place, and once class begins on Monday, all I'll have to do is read the papers and blog posts once they start coming in. Fingers crossed the classes I've created are easy to navigate and clear about what is expected (who am I trying to kid? There'll be students who'll have issues -- there always is).

Good news: one of my haiku was accepted by Haiku Journal. If you go to the journal online, Issue 58, you'll see my name listed with the other authors. Then just scroll down until you find my haiku.

This particular haiku is my favorite of the group I created to submit to the contest sponsored at the site where I post my work for critique. This was also the favorite for my writer friend who offered feedback when my haiku went days without a critique on the very site that is designed to offer feedback. Since that time, the haiku have received several critiques, most of which were very positive.

Another work I submitted for critique has received quite a bit of positive response. It's a short story I wrote quite a few years ago, like 25 years ago. I reworked it some, but the original bones are still in place. Nearly everyone who has read it and responded has said they were totally engrossed in the story and felt so many emotions while reading it. This was a story that I submitted for publication about six years ago. The editor emailed me, saying he wanted the story and would be sending me a contract. I replied, letting him know I was delighted and looked forward to hearing from him. I never heard another word from him. Nothing. Nada. I emailed a couple weeks after, asking if he was still interested in the story. Still nothing. **shrug**

At least I know there are readers who enjoyed the story. A few gave me some wonderful suggestions for improving it further, which I'm going to get going on now that my online classes are in place. I have a couple of personal projects I want to complete over the summer, and this story is part of one of those projects. 

When I think about all I want to accomplish this summer, I have to wonder if it's actually possible. I'm my own boss with these projects, so I'm the only one to blame if I don't follow through. The only downside I can see with what I want to complete is I'll have to sit in this chair a lot. My bum is aching just thinking about it.


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