Summertime Fun with Ado

Central Illinois went from winter to summer without a spring this year. We had snow right into April, along with chilly temps until late April. Then a switch was thrown and the temps went from 40's to 70's, 80's, and today we're supposed to hit 90. The humidity is ramping up, too. My hair is getting wavier and wavier with each hot, humid day we have.

I love this weather.

I do like fall, winter, and spring. The changes that come with each are beautiful in and of themselves. But hot and humid I absolutely adore.

Which is why I don't turn the air conditioner on. The kids are okay with this, at least for now. I know Funny Delightful Son isn't a fan of the heat, but he's not complained so far. I imagine if the nights stop cooling off like they've been, then he'll let me know my anti-air conditioner position is problematic.

Ado suffers from the heat. We do our walks early in the day, before seven am, and late in the day, after seven pm. Since we can't go on long walks during the middle of these hot days, I'm devising a plan that will give him the chance to get outside with me. The plan includes this,

but I need one big enough for my 100-pound furry beast. So far, I've not been able to find anything on the market that will do the trick. So my idea is to take this

and modify it to work for Ado. This one has a reinforced floor and can carry 110 pounds. I'd like to add a canopy of some sort to keep the sun off of him, and a cushion for him to sit on. I'll also add rear lights to go with the reflectors, and a caution sign like is used on slow-moving farm equipment.

So, that's the plan. I'm taking this slow as I want to make sure whatever I end up with is safe for Ado and for me. It'd be awful to be out rolling along and a wheel goes flying off or the floor of the cart sags to the ground under him. That would not be a fun trip.

Funny Delightful Son doesn't think Ado will want to sit in this and ride, and he might not. I want to try, though. If he doesn't, I can still use the cart to get groceries, which will help me get closer to my carfree life (every time I write carfree I think how close the word is to carefree --  I do think they go hand-in-hand).


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