Trying Something New

Inspired by Natalia, I searched for a stair climbing event close to home and found one in February that's not too far away. I signed up, my hubby all the while shaking his head and telling me I'm crazy. I'm excited and scared at the same time. Stair climbing is completely new to me; I didn't even know stair climbing events existed until I read about Natalia's participation. Even then, the idea to participate myself didn't occur to me. Yesterday, when I was on the stair climber for the first time, the thought crossed my mind that maybe this is something I could do during these colder months as I wait out the freezing temps, the snow, and the wind for when I can once again get outside on the bike. A quick internet search offered up several choices right in my backyard. I chose the 2011 Fight for Air Climb. Take a look at my page, and if you can donate a dollar or two, that'd be great. If not, a note of support would be just as wonderful.

Now I need to figure out a training program to get in shape for this, and if anyone has any tips to offer, send them my way. Since it is my first climb, I decided to do it non-competitively. I won't have a timing chip, but I am going to do the "see how many times I can climb 30 floors in an hour" option. If I do okay with this event, I might try another in March. Having an event to work towards every month does wonders for my motivation, and right now, I'm sitting here in my workout attire, ready to get to the fitness center to jump on the stair climber for another go.


Natalia said…
Girl, you rock - big time!!! I am excited for you! Don't worry, you are absolutely going to love it, and the adrenaline rush is amazing. Just do the training, don't worry about the time, and on the day, it will all come together. I have a couple of training programmes I can send you, if you send me your email. Also, I will forward you the training tips newsletters from the MMRF. I am now going to look at your events.....
Way to go!!
JK said…
You're too kind! I'd love to see the training programs. I know I have a lot of work ahead of me, but it feels great knowing I have an event in February.

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