I've Been Tagged

Two awesomely cool people tagged me with the Stylish Blogger Award. I am very honored and wish to thank Natalia over at Natalia's Running Blog: trying to run and wanting to tri, and Staci over at She Runs in Sandals. Natalia inspired me with her stair climbing, and since I can't cycle right now due to the four or so inches of snow and the wicked thin layer of ice under it, I thought, hey, a stair climbing event would give me something to work towards. I signed up for the 2011 Fight for Air Climb in February (shameless plug time: check out my personal page, and if you have a buck or two you can spare for the cause, that'd be great--end of shameless plug), with the thought of maybe doing another in March just to give me another event to train for while I wait out the winter months to end and I can get my new beauty outside for a long ride. Staci inspires me with her barefoot running. I've read quite a bit on barefoot running and totally get the reason for it, but I just can't bring myself to give it a go myself. I tried once on the treadmill, and truthfully, I know for a fact I ran better than I do in shoes. But then it turned really cold, and the thought of running barefoot in 20 degrees wasn't appealing. Now that I'm in a gym, I'm required to wear shoes. This gym doesn't even allow Vibram-type shoes. Maybe when the weather warms up, I'll try barefoot again on my own treadmill.

Now on to the 7 things about me:

1. I am the 5th child of six, born on the 5th day of the month, to my father who is also the 5th child of six, making my favorite number, you guessed it, 5.

2. I've been teaching composition and literature for 19 years and still don't feel like I do a very good job of it.

3. I took my three children to China six years ago, where I taught for a semester and the four of us learned what culture shock really means.

4. I've been working on my grandma's book for several years now, and just the other day it was released for purchase on Amazon. If you like to read and like memoirs in general, check out Forever Down the River by N. Ruth Phillips Heath.

5. I began riding and showing horses when I was around 6 and continued right up until I was 24. I haven't been on a horse since and don't miss them all that much.

6. My favorite movie of all time is Lost in Translation. I just love the mood of it and how Bill Murray shows how tangled and confusing our feelings for others can get.

7. When I was pregnant with my youngest, I was warned he most likely would be born with Down's. In preparing for his birth, I decided to name him Gabriel after the angel. He was born perfectly healthy and truly is my little angel who brings me more delight than a single person deserves.

So there you have it. Now I must tag a couple of others. The Stylish Blogger Award is hereby handed off to J at Grip the Midnight Microphone and Maureen at Buttoning My Jeans. Check these ladies out and enjoy their blogs.


J said…
Wow! I'm surprised the gym is so strict on the no-vibram issue.

Congratulations on getting the Stylish Blogger award! And thanks for tagging me! :):) That's so sweet!

(I have already started reading your grandmother's book. This is fascinating, yet heartbreaking, stuff.)

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