The Warm Glow
This semester I've been enjoying teaching a sports literature class I designed and promoted. We covered football during January, reading Friday Night Lights and some short stories. One short story, "The Eighty Yard Run" by Shaw, the class didn't get at all. They just couldn't see how the story could be classified as a sports story. I spent the period walking the students through the story, pointing out the various literary elements as well as the connections between sport and everyday life. The other short story, "A Quarterback Speaks to His God" by Wilner, the class loved, and this astonished me. I had prepared myself before class for an even tougher second round of "I don't get this." Every single student, though, surprised me by eagerly and maturely offering his/her opinion about different aspects of the story. One talked about comparing the main characters from the two stories and seeing how in some ways they were alike but in other wa...