Back to Walking/Running

With the shorter daylight hours, I'm finding I have to return to walking/running on the treadmill to get a workout in. Since I haven't run in quite some time, I figure it's best to ease back into it, so I've been walking the last two days, making sure I up the incline to really make the time on the treadmill worth it. I even surprised myself by walking for a full hour yesterday, getting in four miles at a 2% incline for part of it, and a 3%-4% incline for part of it. I'm not usually focused enough on the treadmill to have an hour of staying power, but I managed to do so by watching the first episode of the new season of "Amazing Race." Today, thankfully, I was able to get an hour of riding in.

Now that I am back to walking/running, I'm even kicking around the idea of running some 5k's. Maybe that's all I'll do--kick around the idea--since I'm such a head case when it comes to running, but who knows. Maybe I'll give it a go and try to beat my PR from the sprint tri relay. I just might have that 28 minute 5k in me. If I talk my daughter into running with me, I know her pushing me will get me that 28 I'm looking for. She's a tad bit faster than I am, so having to keep up with her would be a good thing for me to do. Well, maybe not good, but it'd sure get me closer to the time I'd like to see as I pass the finish line.


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