The Magic of the LP

My Christmas present was a turntable that can be connected to my computer. I can put on a record, import the music into my library, then download the songs to my mp3 player. This is so cool. My sons had never seen a record before I started buying them to play on the turntable. I had to describe to them how a needle fits into a groove then moves across the record as it spins around. They found this interesting, and ever since I came home with some oldies found at the thrift store, we've been enjoying listening to what my youngest refers to as "old people music."

This evening I put on REO Speedwagon. As I was folding clothes from the dryer, my youngest came in and said the guitar playing was "beastly." He chattered on about the different instruments he could make out, telling me the bass had a deeper tone than the electric guitar. I don't know if this is true as I'm not a guitar player and I know next to nothing about the bass, but I wouldn't be surprised if he is correct. He loves music and is learning to play the alto sax. After his first lesson, he was able to belt out what was very clearly "Jingle Bells." Maybe, just maybe, I have a music player in the family.

My next run to the record store will be this weekend. I'll take my youngest and let him pick out a couple of records for our growing collection. At $1 a piece, we can buy quite a few at a time. I feel like I've won the lottery with this turntable; I get to listen to really, really good music while my youngest sits next to me, tapping out the beat with his foot and telling me he prefers the "old people music" over the music his friends listen to.


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