Such Imagination

The kids were out of school today for Presidents Day, so I decided to take a personal day to spend some time with the them. We wanted to go see a movie, one wanting to see Taken, one wanting to see The Unvited, and the rest of us not really sure what we wanted to see. Because the youngest is only 10, we finally agreed we would all go see Coraline. Once settled in, it took just a matter of seconds for me to find myself marvelling at the imagination that went into the creation of the movie. Having never attended a 3-D movie before, I was enthralled with how the images floated off the screen. At one point, a couple of dragonflies even flew past my ear. It was magical. I was Alice at the bottom of the rabbit hole, in awe over the world I had just entered.

I envy people with the imagination to bring to fruition something like Coraline. I so want to be like them. I've always loved to read, and along with the reading, I've always loved to write. It seems I've been doing both for a very long time now and both have never gotten old to me. I could spend hours everyday reading and writing. I can't, though, because of all the "everything else" that makes up my life right now. I'm constantly thinking I should cut back on all the extras I'm currently involved in and read and write more. This urge has tugged insistently at me for more than a year now. Perhaps it's time I really start listening to the urge. And seeing something like Coraline only makes the urge greater than before.

To tell you how good this movie is--my husband usually falls asleep during movies that are even close to falling into the category of cartoon. Claymation, cartoon, animated, you name it, he'll fall asleep. During Coraline, he not only stayed awake, but afterwards he said he completely enjoyed every aspect of the movie. One other aspect of the movie he and I both got great enjoyment out of was watching our 10 year old sit on the edge of his seat, staring at the screen in complete fascination.

Perhaps one day I will create something to elicit that same kind of response. Maybe one day, I can truly say I have that imagination I've always admired in others.


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