Already Falling Behind

Even with the best of intentions, I'm finding so little time to blog. Since I work with writing and reading all day, other people's writing and reading, sometimes when I have some down time I use it to do other things. Like playing basketball with my sons. Like going to the mall with my daughter. Like getting a workout in since that was one of my New Year's resolution. In any case, blogging gets pushed to the side.

Some time will open up next week. Basketball will be over. And it is with both happiness and sadness for me that the season is ending. On one hand, the boys have come so far, and I'm thrilled with the skill level I see some of the fourth graders playing. On the other hand, our season has been less than stellar. Our record is like 3-9. For the third year we've had a losing season. Is it me? Is it the boys? Both? I don't have any answers. Maybe between now and October I can figure something out to help the boys end on a better note next season.

With more time opening up next week, I definitely will be sure to use some of the time to work on some writing I've started. I'm excited about finishing up some pieces and sending them off for publication. The thought of rejection slips coming in isn't so exciting, but I'm okay with rejection. Let's just say I'm used to it.

Maybe I'll pass some of the rejection slips along so you can feel my pain. You know the saying: misery loves company.


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