Fifty and Fired Up!

So, today is my birthday. The big 5-0. And while Funny Delightful Son insists I'm only 29 (just as he has for the last five years), I really don't mind being 50. In fact, I'm embracing it. I look at reaching this point of my life with all the blessings I have as the best birthday gift ever.

That being said, I'm also looking at today as the perfect moment to set two goals for myself, goals that will be long-term and hopefully lead to a lifestyle change all the way around. I want to write my goals here because I do go back through my posts every now and then to enjoy the memory of writing each and to also enjoy the memories of the days themselves. Having the goals here will help me continue working towards fulfilling them.

Goal #1: To eat more healthfully. This has been a goal in the past, and I did make headway the past few years, but lately, I've allowed myself to ingest things that aren't all that good for me. I would blame Hubby here since he's the absolute worst when it comes to grocery shopping and buying chips, dip, candy, cookies, and donuts. But I really can't blame him. I'm the one stuffing the donuts into my mouth. It's all me. So right here, right now, I'm going on record and declaring no more wire hangers, errr, sweets. Do you hear me, Hubby? Yeah, I'm dragging you into this and taking you along for the ride. They say it's always more fun doing something with someone than it is alone, so gear up.

Goal #2: To write on a daily basis. I mostly do this already, but I have a couple of pieces in the works that need to be finished once and for all. I'm so close to being finished with the one project, am about halfway on the second, and am in the beginning stages of the third. I've set a deadline for the first as there's a market I want to send it out to, so now it's just sitting down and hammering out that final part. I've been piddling with this final part for two years. Enough piddling. Time to step up the pace and get it done.

Just writing these goals here has me all fired up. Fifty and fired up. I think I'll use that as my motto over the next year.



RKBrison said…
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RKBrison said…
Praying for you and for your fired up attitude -- might even be a little jealous of the healthy eating habits. I do like this side of the half-century mark. It means we can let go (if we haven't already) of some of the social expectations and really dare to be weird. :)
JK said…
Thank you, Randy. I totally agree--I am moving way beyond the social expectations. So freeing!

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