Year Ending, Year Beginning

Another year is almost over, and for the most part, 2009 has been a good year. I really have no complaints. Even my husband being laid off effective January 1, 2010 cannot put a damper on my memories from the past year. If anything, he being laid off has been the incentive I've been needing to get a start on some projects I've been thinking about doing but haven't taken the time to put into action. It's kind of strange--he's losing his job and the quite nice salary that went along with it, and I'm the one who feels like I need to find a way to replace his salary. Doesn't make a whole lot of sense, but part of me feels like this is the chance for me to write my book, the chance for me to prove to myself that I can write and can make money doing it. I still have to go to my day job, I still have three kids to take care of, and I still have a mini-tri training schedule I've committed to. Can I really take on writing a book (actually I'm working on two books at present) while managing these other parts of my life? This is the big question for 2010. My goal is to revisit this question in a year and assess the outcome.

I do find it interesting that the more I take on the more I tend to get finished. I'm not quite sure how this happens. It actually seems counterintuitive, but something I do when committing to a project is I stop watching TV. The time freed up from doing this one thing is amazing. The first week or so I complain, moan and groan, and generally cry over having to give up something so enjoyable, but after week two, I realize I'm not all that sad any longer and I don't miss my favorite shows all that much.

One of the projects in the works, the excitement I'm getting from thinking about it, from working on it just a tiny bit each day, has been like a jolt of electricity to my whole being. I tried starting this project a couple of years ago, but it went nowhere very quickly. I abandoned it physically but not mentally, hoping inspiration would find me and whisper into my ear, helping me figure out how to proceed. Inspiration found me two days before Christmas, showing me the answer had been right in front of me all this time. I started writing the day after Christmas.

So it is with much excitement that 2009 ends and 2010 begins. I truly hope this same excitement is still with me in a year.


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