Training Day 2

No swim yesterday. My training partner had some dental work done and wasn't feeling up to swimming, so we did some bike time instead. I went 13.6 miles in just under 50 minutes. I don't know if this is good or bad, but I'm going to try to do the 13.6 miles several times a week, working to bring the time down. I kind of surprised myself yesterday in completing the mileage without stopping or slowing down. I maintained a 16-18 mph speed the entire time. Another surprise is I'm not sore today. I guess all the running I've been doing is paying off. Who knew?

One idea I had is to take a day in a couple of weeks to do a run-through of a mini tri at the gym. I can do the swim, change and get on a bike, then go to the treadmill for the run. A mock trial would give me an indication of what I'm facing come April 2010. I just might find I'm in no shape at all to do something like this, which would be helpful in establishing a training schedule. I kind of what to test myself, too, just to see what my fitness level really is.

Today we will swim. I need to go 400 meters. I envision swimming one lap around a track, which is a really, really long ways. In a pool, maybe having a wall at each end giving me a little break will make the 400 meters seem more doable.

Doable. I like that word. I've reached a point in my life where I think anything and everything is doable. That's going to be my mantra from now on: anything and everything is doable.

Another ticker, this one for the biking. These are so much fun, and motivating.


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