Changing Things Up

Time for A Clunk Upstairs to get a face lift. As I am not one to do anything in a hurry, the change will occur over a few weeks. My daughter, if she were here, would take over the typing of this post and tell you the change will actually take years. That's how long I've been working on an altered book I started for her over a year and a half ago and still haven't finished. I tend to get sidetracked, go to other projects, dilly-dally. I promised her the book will be finished by the end of the summer. By my calendar, I still have a couple of months.

In any case, the blog will change some. I'm finding my focus changing from running and cycling to mostly just cycling, with tangents about the goings on in my life thrown in here and there. Since the Illinois countryside is becoming a larger part of my experiences, I thought the new banner appropriate. I'm sure there will be more pics of the countryside as time goes on.

Change is good. Change is inevitable. Change is growth. I'd like to see where the blog can go with some changes to it.


J said…
It's so neat to see you enjoying life and finding what gives you joy. You inspire me. :)

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