Getting the Eating Under Control

My brother-in-law invited us to join his family and my hubby's other siblings, their spouses, and children for brunch on Christmas day at a very nice hotel in Chicago. When we walked in, the kids and I ohhed and ahhed over the chandeliers, the mirrors, and the Christmas decor throughout the lobby. We'd eaten a light breakfast, so all of us were ready for brunch.

At noon, we were told we could follow one of the servers to our seats in the dining hall. On the way, we passed tables bearing turkey, salmon, ham, roast beef, shrimp, lamb and other meats. We passed tables with tiered plates of deviled eggs, crab cakes, oysters Rockefeller, and many other delicacies. A part of me filled with anticipation at being able to eat foods I don't normally get an opportunity to eat. A larger part of me filled with disgust at the amount of food available for this one meal.

While I totally appreciated my brother-in-law arranging this get together and footing the bill for the entire family, I found it incredibly difficult to truly enjoy the event. I tried to ignore the amount of food people were heaping on their plates and the amount of food that was left on plates because the person either didn't like what had been chosen or merely wanted to try something else. I tried to focus on my kids' enjoyment of the different foods available. But it was with relief that I walked out of that dining hall.

Lifestyle Option
Since that day, I've been watching my diet very closely. I did a pretty good job at the brunch, filling up on fruit and salmon along with bite-sized pieces of quiche, strawberry crepes, and crab cakes. For dessert, I enjoyed a half piece of triple chocolate cake. All in all, not bad considering. I do, however, want to get back on track. I want to make 2011 the year of mastering the diet, starting first with not calling it a diet. It's going to be a lifestyle. That lifestyle is going to be all about staying away from sugar, excessive carbs, and meat. I'm doing pretty good with the not eating meat since I started avoiding meat several months ago. I've eaten a burger here and there, when I feel like having one, but more often than not, I don't eat beef, chicken, or turkey. Today I read an article that suggested not eating anything with a face. I kind of like that idea.

2010 is ending on a fine note. I'm happy with my fitness level and the dietary changes I've made. I'm looking forward to 2011, fine-tuning my eating lifestyle further and seeing how this affects the cycling, the running, and the swimming.


Natalia said…
Nice post, and am in total agreement. I did not go to our company's holiday party as the promised excesses were bordering on the vulgar - in addition to it just not sitting right in the current economic climate. In the same vein, the food consumed and money spent at Christmas is anthema to me. I am hugely into both symbolism and minimalism....
Good luck with the new eating plan I look forward to reading more!
JK said…
I had a really difficult time this Christmas as I've reached the point in my life where I see the way it is celebrated as totally counter to what I believe the day should be about. In addition to changes being made with my eating lifestyle, I think 2011 will bring changes with how I celebrate Christmas.

Thanks for visiting my blog. I look forward to reading yours throughout 2011.
J said…
Gluttony and waste really can ruin a holiday experience. (It's happened in our extended family, both with food and material gifts.)

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