I Could Use A Little Whiskey . . . Please

My husband tried to guilt me into going to dinner with him this evening. I stood my ground, though, and politely declined.

The invitation came via text, asking me if I'd like to join him for an evening I would regret. Seriously? Why in the world would anyone say yes to an invitation like this? I replied, basically asking why would I do this to myself? Then I said thank you for the invite, but no.

The next text suggested I needed to have dinner with him for his health. Wow. My response was just, "Nice." He replied by saying, okay, it was for his mental health. Again, wow.

I didn't respond to his last text. I figured I was only going to continue receiving texts designed to make me feel guilty. I refuse to take on that burden.

When my husband brought Ado home after having him over for the day, he asked me again to go to dinner with him. I said no. He went on to bring up the communique he has received from the hospital so far, which hasn't included any bills yet, and mentioned when he does get the bills they'll be enough to give him another heart attack. During this one-sided conversation, he asked me how much I think the overall cost for his hospital stay will end up being. I shrugged, not saying anything. He pressed me a bit further, to which I said I have no idea. Because I wouldn't engage, he turned to leave and said very sarcastically, thanks for going to dinner.

Passive aggressive much?

I really want a clean break. Late March will mark the one-year being up of my decision to separate and my agreement to try to make things work for at least a year. I knew in September things just weren't going to change, and since that time, I've felt myself moving further and further away from him. I've told him this, yet he clings to the idea that I will return to him. I've told him with these words -- I do not want to be with you --but he still believes we have something together.

All this on the heels of two rejections this week. Sigh.

Such is life. All I can do is keep on keeping on. And maybe it's a good evening to let some whiskey wash away my worries.

A bright spot: I noticed the sun is rising earlier and setting later. Already I am thinking about summer, heat, cycling, long walks with Ado, and sitting on the back deck. I really miss sitting on the back deck with my morning coffee.


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