Down a Rabbit Hole

My husband had a heart attack a few days ago.

I was sitting here at my computer, working on a new piece I've been tinkering with for a week or so when he called.

Do you have a car? he asked.

Yes. Why?

I think I'm having a heart attack.

He described the symptoms further.

I'll be there in a few minutes, I said.

I drove over then took him to the ER. As soon as they hooked him up to the machine, a code STEMI went out to the rest of the hospital. Lots of people showed up at his room, even the Chaplain. The staff worked quickly and efficiently to prep him to go to the cath lab. One of the nurses explained to me what was going to happen, and the cardiologist came in not long after we arrived to further explain how things were going to go. Right before they wheeled him to the cath lab, Lovely Beautiful Daughter and Angel Baby showed up. The three of us walked with him as far as we were allowed to go; then we went to the waiting room.

About an hour later, the cardiologist came out to let us know what was found, which was basically nothing. No balloon or stint needed. Meds should do the trick of dissolving the blood clot that was found.

The following day, an echocardiogram was done to see what kind of shape his heart is in. If I understood the doctor correctly, the lower chambers of my husband's heart are weak. His heart in general is not performing normally. He was on nitro from the moment he went into the ER  until I left at 8:30 last evening. Still, his blood pressure is bouncing around, going from 140's/90's to 150's/100's. While that is a whole lot better than the 193/137 he registered when he first went into the ER, his bp still seems high given all the medications they've been putting into him.

I stayed with him all day yesterday and nearly all day today. Tomorrow he goes home, and I wonder what it will be like for him there alone. I care about him, but I can't be with him. I simply can't, and knowing this makes me sad for him and me.


RKBrison said…
Oh my, JP -- very tough on many levels. I pray God gives both of you peace and healing.
JK said…
Thank you, Randy.

I hope you and yours are well.

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