Bittersweet Birthday Lunch
Yesterday was my little Angel Baby's birthday (now 13, he'd probably not appreciate knowing he's being referred as such in the blogosphere, but I've called him Angel Baby since the day he was born so he's just going to have to continue to deal with it), and my dad's birthday is in just a couple of days, so we traveled over to Dad's to take both out for a birthday lunch. Despite our server's challenges (my first inclination was to think she was on something given the blank look one second, the confused look the next, and the slightly unsteady walk as she approached our table near the end of our meal, but then I thought maybe she was ill, facing something that caused her to appear to be in a condition she really wasn't), we had a wonderful lunch of BBQ ribs, salmon, and prime rib. Just as we were finishing, Beautiful Lovely Daughter called to offer happy birthday wishes to the birthday boys. While the lunch was good and we enjoyed ourselves, I couldn...