Just Not Feeling It

Yoga didn't go so well this evening. I was looking forward to it, but right when I was getting ready to begin, a friend stopped over and talked for awhile. By the time I got back up to my room to do the yoga, I just wasn't as into it. I started into the moves, which begin with lots of moving asanas, including vinyasas into runner's pose, to cresent pose, to warrior pose, to warrior two, etc. Last week I did the whole series, about forty-five minutes worth, with no problem. This evening, my thighs were burning from the beginning. I'd really like to know why one week I can do the poses with no problem, then the next week I am having trouble from the beginning. I was discouraged and ended up skipping a lot of the asanas. I did do the balance postures and the floor work, so I did do quite a bit of yoga. I just wish I had been in the mindset to get through the asanas like I did last week. Hopefully next week will go better.

I have been wondering if I'm just not eating enough. After reading some of the comments on the forum at the P90X website, I'm thinking I'm just not getting enough calories each day. I've drastically reduced what I'm eating each day, so my body may be saying, "Hey! What are you doing?" and shutting down somewhat to compensate for the energy output. I decided to go through the nutrition book that came with the program, and according to it, I'm supposed to be eating 2400 calories. I don't think I'm anywhere close to that. I'm probably around 1500-1800. This could also account for the no weight loss for last week. My body has gone into survival mode, my metabolism slowing in order to keep the stored fat rather than using it. This week I'm going to try to keep close track of what I eat and make sure I eat enough to get to the 2400 calories. It'll be interesting to see what happens.

We did take our 60 day pictures. While some change is evident, I'm a bit disappointed more change isn't visible. At least my clothes do fit much better, and my son was astonished at how my biceps are much more defined, so those are good things. And while I have been a bit down on not losing more weight, I know it'll happen if I keep at it. This whole fitness, weight loss adventure is going to have to be a way of life for me now, and I'm looking forward to seeing the results after the one-year period. Maybe one of these days I'll get brave and actually post the day-one pictures, the thirty-day pictures, and the sixty-day pictures. Maybe I'll wait until the ninety-day pictures. Or the one-year pictures.



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