Capturing "The Moment"

After five dog photography shoots, I'm beginning to understand the direction I'm wanting to go. 

The dog with its human.

I enjoy shooting just the dog, and some dogs are more interesting than other dogs, but the connection between the dog and its human has that something I really want to capture. I don't believe this connection can come from posing the subjects. It happens in between the posing, so I'm constantly pressing the shutter button in hopes of capturing "the moment." I've not been successful with a couple of the shoots, but I have managed to get one or two "moments" that speak to me. And as I write this, this thought occurred to me: Should it matter if any given photo speaks to me? If the photos are really for the owners, shouldn't I shoot with the intention of getting images that speak to them? Is is possible to accomplish both?  

I find it interesting, too, which photos the owners prefer. Their choice is often different than my choice, and this fascinates me. It definitely points to how we each see the same thing in very different ways. Perspective, context, background, etc. all play a part in what each of us likes and dislikes. Much like my questions above, should my preference even play a part in the whole equation? 

So many questions. Perhaps I shouldn't worry about any of it and just enjoy the shoots. And if I am fortunate enough to capture "the moment" that speaks to me, then that's just a bonus.


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