Breaking Out the Winter Gear

When I look at the calendar, I'm amazed that we're in week ten with the semester. In all my time teaching, I've not had a semester just seem to zoom by like this one is. I think a big part of why I feel like the weeks are slipping by so quickly is I'm teaching two hybrid sections, so I only see the students of each section once a week. After our once-a-week meeting, the students are sent on their way to complete the work online. I love this approach to teaching, and I hope to continue teaching the hybrid courses, but they definitely do make the semester go by in a blink.

And with the weeks passing, the cooler weather seems to be here to stay. Which I am perfectly okay with. Though I do need to buy some long johns to wear under my clothes if I'm going to continue biking to work. And a good pair of winter boots, ones that are stylish yet practical and warm. I've been searching for the just-right pair of boots for a couple weeks now, and I think I've narrowed down the choices to a pair I can buy at the sporting goods store not far from where I live. I can walk to the store, or bike, and buy the boots right there. No need to order a pair and wonder if I got the size right. I walked over on Sunday and tried on a pair, so I do have that option if I don't find another pair I like better during the next week or so. I'm kind of still eyeing a pair online, but they're a bit more than I want to pay. However, the reviews make me think these would be a great investment, a pair I'd have for many years, which is exactly what I'm wanting.

I definitely could have used a warm pair of boots this past Saturday. The wind was whooping out of the north, and though it was, I decided to ride my bike to the state high school marching band competition at the university. While there, my feet froze since I only had on a thin pair of socks and my tennis shoes. I guess the hopeful side of me thought since the sun was shining I'd be nice and warm. So not the case. The wind had other ideas. So, yeah, it's definitely time to find a pair of winter boots that can be paired with dresses (at least for the trek to work, at which time I'll change to shoes) and jeans and keep my feet warm, too.

Recently I cycled to work while wearing a dress, and my students thought this was just absolutely the coolest thing ever. I don't quite understand the reaction people give me when they see me wearing a dress and riding a bike, but I guess it's not something we see on a regular basis. At least here. I have to wonder if women wearing dresses and riding bikes is seen more frequently in larger cities. Especially in Europe. For me, wearing a dress while riding a bike is just part of my life. I did have a problem with the hem of that particular dress getting caught on the back brake as the dress falls to my calves and is very full. I had gathered the fabric and clipped it together with a large binder clip, but still there was enough fabric to wiggle its way back to find the brake. Now that dress sports a black smudge of grime on the hemline, which is fine since the dress is a black and white print. The smudge fits right in with the pattern.

Today's dress is a bit shorter, so no getting caught on the back tire's brake this time. Since the dress is shorter, I worried it might ride up while I was pedaling, but I quickly found my worries were silly once I started out. The leggings I have on actually helped keep the dress's skirt in place (and my legs toasty warm!). I felt completely comfortable, not the least bit self conscious while on the bike. Now I'm really looking forward to other dress/leggings/boots combinations to wear through the winter.

So, Winter, though I'm not completely ready for you, I'm okay with you showing up early. I also look forward to spending time with you through the next few months.


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