A Bird in the Hand

An interesting aspect of living in this house with its one wall of large windows is the number of birds that fly into the glass. About a week or so ago, I was here at my computer and Angel Baby was sitting on the couch looking through some videos before heading off to class. I heard a very loud thunk and thought maybe he had dropped his phone. After a few seconds, Angel Baby called out, "Ummm, Mom, a bird just smacked against the window and there's a huge hawk sitting on top of the bird feeder." I dashed to the living room, wanting to see the hawk, but it was gone by the time I got there. The little bird, though, was crumpled on the deck.

I went out to check on the bird. It was still breathing, very quickly, and its beaked opened then closed as if it was gasping for breath. I cradled it in my hands for some time then took it over to the edge of the yard and set it down in a bed of fallen leaves. For the next 45 minutes, I checked on it to be sure it was hanging in there. The last time I went to see how it was doing, it flew away when I neared. I was so happy to see it go on its way.

This morning, I heard another thunk as I was sitting here working on some writing. I went to the windows and peered out. Another little bird sat stunned on the deck. I went out and scooped it up, just watching it for a few minutes. This one didn't seem as rattled as the previous, so I took it over to the edge of the yard and nestled it into some leaves. In just a matter of ten minutes or so, the little one was able to go on its way.

Funny Delightful Son came in as I was finishing this up and says, "That's worth two in the bush."


Thryn said…
Post a few stickers on your window to help out those wee one's! They actually make cling film kind for just that purpose!
JK said…
Thanks! I'll find some and do that. I figured there had to be something I could do to help them out.

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