Fabulous Friday
Friday, if there are no meetings scheduled, is my day to go to the office and get things caught up, such as grading and prepping for the next week. After doing a class worth of responding to journal entries, I take a breather and play around online. You know, checking Facebook, checking in at BTUSFMS, checking out the blogs I follow, checking hotmail, reading the news. Yeah, basically just wasting time. So today, I go to Facebook and see that my big sis shared my status about getting close to goal and asked her FB friends to consider donating. While I was responding to her, a message came in from a friend of my big bro, asking where she could send a donation. After responding to her, I see a post from Incredibly Funny Sis-in-Law, sharing my status about getting close to goal and encouraging her friends to donate to the cause. All of the support, all of the encouragement, all of the getting the word out has been absolutely heartwarming. I just can't thank everyone enough.
Now, back to work.
Now, back to work.