Life With Murphy

Murphy is now 13 weeks old. Already seven weeks have passed since I brought him home. During those seven weeks, he's become Ado's best friend (most of the time) and he has learned how to be a part of the family. As of this week, I believe he is completely housebroken because he hasn't done his business in the house at all. We'd been down to once a day up until last Monday, and every day since he has come to me when he needs to go out. He gives me a look and then a little bark. Just like Ado, when I say, "Outside?" he turns and looks out the window then heads for the door. His bark for needing to pee is different than his bark for needing to poop, which is too funny. The "poop" bark is much more urgent.

Ado has been a great teacher for when it's time for play and when it's time to settle down, especially in the evenings. Both dogs settle in for the night by 7 o'clock, and after one last trip outside around 9, both sleep through the night, getting up around 6. Murphy is now sleeping on the floor with Ado, and I have my bed all to myself again. That is pure bliss! Though I will say Murphy is easy to sleep with. He just snuggles against my legs, sometimes putting his chin on my leg, and after a bit he'll go to the end of the bed and curl up to sleep.

This little guy is so smart! Every day I'm amazed by what he can do. He's learned to fetch a ball already. He loves to run after it then brings it right back. I have so much fun throwing the ball for him and watching him scoot as fast as he can to bring it back. He's a fast little guy! He's also learned to sit, will sometimes lay down, will wait for a treat when I hold it out in front of him (though he does wiggle with anticipation, which is just too darn cute), and this morning lifted his paw on his own to do shake. 

Tuckered out puppy!
Our walks have become longer and very enjoyable. When I first brought him home, he'd walk about five yards then sit down and cry. This went on for a couple of weeks. Now, he trots right alongside Ado, though he does like to aggravate Ado by jumping on him every now and then. Other times he'll nip at Ado's hind legs and tail, which makes Ado have to turn around and show him who's boss. This morning, since Ado is at doggy daycare for the weekend, I took Murphy out on the long leash and let him explore all kinds of thing. We went for a quite a long walk because a snowstorm is moving in. I wanted him to be able to really stretch his legs just in case we're stuck inside for a couple of days. Right now, he's fast asleep right next to me as I sit here at my desk.

Murphy: Six weeks old

For months I went back and forth about getting another dog, and I won't lie, the first three weeks of having Murphy here weren't easy. I was really wondering if I'd made a huge mistake. His presence has clearly shown me how Ado and I live a very easy routine of it just being him and me. And Ado is so calm, so quiet, so not needy. Murphy is a whirlwind, loud a lot of the time, and needs much more attention. We've been working on using our inside voice, and this week he's done much better, but there are times he just gets going and my ears say, "Good lord! Stop the madness!" I keep telling myself it's puppy behavior and he'll grow out of it. I hope I'm not deluding myself.

Murphy: Thirteen weeks old
I am truly glad I did get Murphy, though. The change in Ado has been priceless. When Max passed away several years ago, Ado went from silly puppy to serious adult overnight. It broke my heart. Now I see the puppy coming out in him again. Seeing him play with Murphy, teach Murphy, and snuggle with Murphy tells me my decision was a good one. 

I love looking at side by side photos of Murphy from when I first brought him home to now. Every day I see a slight change in him, whether it be his legs getting longer or the pink on his nose going away. I don't want to lose all the moments of him growing up, so I've been trying to get pictures nearly every day. Look at how much his face has matured!


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