Cold Winter Days
So, that chocolate cake I made as a gift to myself? Lovely Beautiful Daughter and I (mostly it was just me) demolished it through last week. It became my 10:30 am snack each day, and it was interesting how much I looked forward to getting a slice each morning. I know I can't do that all the time. If I did, I'd be spinning my wheels with getting the last few pounds off.
The first morning Lovely Beautiful Daughter was here last week, she cut a slice of cake, and in her best Stockard Channing voice from Practical Magic, said, "In this house we eat chocolate cake for breakfast." And that's exactly what Lovely Beautiful Daughter did each day she stayed with me last week. The happiness I felt over her enjoying a simple thing like chocolate cake for breakfast made my days all the better.
This week I wanted to bake something that didn't use white flour. I really want to move away from using white flour and gluten free white flour. While there's nothing inherently bad about white flour, it just doesn't fit with my whole food plant based eating goals. There's no fiber and it's nutrient deficient. The foods I want to eat need to have health benefits of some kind, and since I do like baked goods, I need to learn how to bake with alternative flours.
Like almond flour. So today I searched for a cookie recipe that involved almond flour. This recipe turned up, but it called for an egg. Feeling daring, I figured I could substitute ground flax for the egg, so I gave it a whirl. The results: beautiful, yummy chocolate chip coconut cookies. They kinda remind me of the Girl Scout cookies I love so much. Now, I have my 10:30 am daily snack for the rest of the week and they don't contain white flour. The one ingredient they do contain that's not so healthy, though, is coconut oil. I thought about substituting applesauce for the oil, but I wanted to see how they turned out with the ground flax for this attempt. My next attempt, whenever that happens, will be subbing applesauce for the oil, which will make them even healthier.Presently the snow is falling and has been most of the day. We've gotten another inch or so and more is coming. The boys and I have ventured out for short jaunts in the field behind the house, long enough for them to do their business, but then we head right back inside. It's just too cold to be out for very long.