Thankful for My Health
Well, after six weeks, my thumb is still swollen and it still hurts. Wednesday while I was at my physical, my doc said it was time to x-ray it (I kinda think this should have been done six weeks ago, but I'm just a lowly English teacher who has no medical training). The x-ray tech said yes, there was definitely something but wouldn't tell me what. The doc had to tell me. The doc, though, ended up having her nurse call me and tell me my thumb was fractured. I needed to see an orthopedist. The orthopedist sent in his nurse practitioner who informed me a piece of the bone did break off and slipped down into the joint, which is why it still hurts and is still swollen. There's nothing that can be done for it. I knew before going to the orthopedist that most likely a piece of the bone had chipped off. All along I could bend my thumb a little bit and move it. The only issue I have is gripping things and using my thumb to open my car door. Any pressure on the thumb pad is painful...