While I Waited

This morning I awoke early, just after daybreak, and sleep just wasn't going to come back to me as I was too curious about the bees. I needed to check on them. When I did, all was quiet. No sound came from inside the hive. The image of floating goldfish came to mind. Surely I hadn't killed them all so quickly, I thought. Hubby came out and bent down to listen. He heard a scratching noise. I leaned in but heard nothing. Dismay began to well up inside me. I figured all I could do was wait. Wait for the sun to come up to warm the hive. Wait to see if the bees began humming. So I turned to other things, like . . .
  • planting some flowers in pots and in a pair of old rubber rain boots that had belonged to Funny Delightful Son when he was three or four years old. 
  • putting out my new angel statue, officially putting myself in the "old people who garden and buy silly statues to place here and there." 
  • getting on the road bike and going 10.5 miles, starting slowly since I haven't ridden since my surgery and thought it best to take it easy. 
  • showering.
  • trading the road bike for my commuter to ride over to the MS Walk where I joined 200+ others to walk a mile or two for all those living with MS (I elected to do the one mile walk just because).
  • stopping at the ice cream shop on the way home for a cookie dough ice cream cone (again, just because).
  • riding out to work to get things prepped for the upcoming week (this trip along with the trip to the MS Walk added 14 miles to my 10.5, so I ended the day with 24.5 miles).
When I returned home from work, I checked on the hive. I could hear the scratching inside, and I noticed the new jar of sugar water I put out this morning is low. The bees are fine.


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