Snow Day!

For the kids anyway. Not for me. But since I have several personal days I need to use before the end of the semester, I went ahead and took one so I could stay home, too. I'm glad I did. While the plan was to sit here and work all day, getting these papers read, responded to, and ready to return on Thursday, I still haven't started. I've been doing everything but sitting here working. I'm not so different from my students. Just as they put things off, so do I. Just as they don't feel guilty about procrastinating, neither do I. The work will get done. Just as it has in all the semesters I've been reading and responding to papers.

Instead of working, I read an article about staying motivated in Runner's World. I helped guide my husband through a lasagna recipe; said lasagna is now filling the home with a most delicious aroma. I spent twenty minutes at 11 mph on the bike then twenty minutes at 5 mph on the treadmill, increasing the incline until I reached 10% (and almost dying because of this foolishness). I went grocery shopping and bought my favorite wine that makes me look at my husband with lust in my eyes (he's all for the wine). And I found out the book my grandma wrote, the book I took from a difficult-to-read handwritten draft to a polished manuscript then to a self-publishing program, can now be seen on a very popular online shopping site named for a river in South America. It's not available for purchase since I'm still working on getting the cover righted around, but I'm excited and am very motivated at this point to finish the cover (I've been working on this part of the book for--cough, cough--three years). Yes, I know it's time to bite the bullet and just finish it.

The sad part about my grandma's book is she died a couple of years ago, so she won't get to experience the excitement of seeing it actually for sale. She did see the copy with the first cover, and from what I was told, she was okay with how it was set up. Perhaps I should have just approved that copy and released it, not worrying about the cover. Wondering about what I should have done won't do me any good at this point, so I'm just going to finish the dog-gone cover like I've said I was going to do for the past three years.

All in all, today has been good, and there's still plenty of day left to actually get some work finished. Right after watching a movie.


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