The movie 2012 is absolutely horrible. It is a complete waste of three hours. I knew it was going to be, but every Thanksgiving we have family movie day, and this year the drawing from the hat went to 2012, which wasn't my choice. I had to suck it up and deal with it, and let me say, dealing with it was painful. I mean come on, an end of the world story involving the oceans rising, arks complete with animals, and a main character by the name of Noah. On top of all this, the message about Christians is very clear: Christians are bad and will be the ones who will bite the dust in the end, as is evidenced by the Christ the Redeemer crumbling and the Vatican disintegrating. Pa-leeze. The best parts of the movie were the few intimate last minute conversations between some individuals. Unfortunately the movie has few of these conversations.

My youngest was unsure about seeing this movie since it is about the world as we know it coming to an end. Things of this nature bother him, so to help him out, I talked him through the movie by discussing the special effects. When it was all said and done, he gave the movie the thumbs down and suggested next time we see a more upbeat flick. I have to agree. I reached the point about a year ago where I decided to stop reading the news, watching the news, and watching downer movies or TV shows. I decided to fill my time with lighthearted and pleasurable activities. I haven't felt like I've missed much. Instead, I've had the most creative time of my life, and I am excited about the many ideas I'm coming up with for future projects.

Speaking of which--I need to work on a chapter of the book I'm writing or I can work on a wire sculpture I've started. Perhaps I'll work on both.


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