New Challenge

I've been lurking at triathlon sites, reading about what it takes to complete a competition, when lo and behold, a friend asked me today if I'd be interested in training for a mini. I haven't wanted to spend the money to go to a gym for use of a pool, so I've not taken the necessary step to really train for something like this. But my friend has access to a pool and can invite a friend. How coinky-dink is this? I jumped on the offer, and by the time I left work today, we agreed to begin training for a mini-triathlon that is scheduled for April 2010. We both registered for the event to confirm our commitment, so there's no turning back. I'm stoked.

I've been running regularly on the treadmill, having decided to run a 10K and having decided to work on improving my time, so the running part is coming along. Last night I ran my first ever 10-minute mile. It felt so good. I've had the treadmill set at a 1% incline ever since the 5K, so I do feel like I'm making headway. My goal with the running part of the mini is to run it under 30 minutes. Since this will be the last part of the competition, I know I'm going to be tired from the swim and the biking, but I have almost five months to train. Hopefully I can increase my stamina during this training period.

The only problem I have right now is no bike. I don't think my three-speed cruiser is really cut out for something like this. Maybe a mini-triathlon bike is what I should ask Santa for for Christmas this year.


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