Ready for Some Warmer Weather

Another magical moment happened at 2:30 am.

I woke up, which I do a lot during the night these days because Ado is up and down all night, his nails click-clicking against the hardwood floors. He meanders out to the living room, down the hall to the second bedroom, then back. This happens three or four times a night. I'm going to have to start closing the bedroom door to keep him confined. I know why he's doing it, too. He's mad at me because I bought a new bedframe, and the mattress is now too high off the floor for him to just step up onto. He's too lazy to jump up on the bed with me, so instead he wanders around the house, nails click-clicking against the hardwood floor.

So I was awake at 2:30. Through the lace curtains I could see Jupiter and Saturn. A few minutes later, the half moon peeked above the trees across the street. It had a hazy rainbow ring around it. I got up to part the curtains for a better look. Seeing all the stars, planets, and the moon never gets old.

This week is the end for the spring semester. I'm wading my way through the final essays and looking so forward to being off for the summer. I have a few things on my list of things to do, but I'm really in no hurry to do any of them. Ado and I have settled into our routine here, so there's nothing that's pressing and needs to get done ASAP.

I did get the front door window covered. When I moved in, the window was frosted. Whoever did it did a horrible job. The frost was uneven and just looked like a rushed job. I'm currently in search of a door that's more in keeping with the architecture of the house, but for now, I decided to remove the frost and go with a faux stained-glass look. While it's not ideal, it's better than what it was.

I decided to remove the lattice from the window, thinking it would make it much easier to complete the job. Little did I know the window could potentially fall out of the door without the lattice on the one side. I realized this when I started cleaning the window and it moved just enough fore me to register that if I pushed any harder, it was going to fall straight out. I ended up removing it completely and setting it on the carpet near my desk. That was a close one!

For now, this will do. Way better than the frosted look, which was just downright ugly. I'm definitely one that needs color. The whole white on white just wasn't doing it for me.

Tomorrow we're supposed to have warmer temps. Finally. I'm over the cold. I'm over the cool. I need warmth. And, if I actually get my bum in gear, I can finish the last essays tonight, submit grades, and not have to worry about work-related issues for the next two and a half months. That sounds absolutely lovely.


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