Kinda Ready to Say Goodbye to February

That hopeful song of spring being just around the corner has been playing this week. Tuesday the sun was shining, giving off warmth though the wind was competing with it. I walked to Uptown to catch the bus, getting a mile and a half in before classes. Yesterday, more sun, so another walk to Uptown to catch the bus to work. Such a wonderful way to start the day. This morning, sunny, warming up nicely. Ado and I walked twice before 11 am. Both of us were very happy campers.

I realized today I've not blogged much this month. It's already the 22nd and this will be blog post two for February. I've been working on the piece I started quite a while back, focusing on getting at least 1000 words a day. Seeing the wordcount increasing each day is incredibly exciting. Today I spent the afternoon printing out what I have so far . . . having a hard copy, feeling the weight of it in my hands, makes me want to do nothing but sit here and keep working.

I'm resisting the urge to go through the manuscript and begin revising. My goal is to get the entire first draft in place first. I really want the whole before I go through and revise. This is a new process for me--I'm so used to revising as I go, which I still do to some extent, but as long as what flows from my brain and through my fingers makes some bit of sense, I'm leaving it and just moving on. I'm hungry to get a complete draft, beginning to end.

In between the writing is work, grading student essays, helping the Honors students prepare for the conference we'll be attending tomorrow, meetings. The usual. I've definitely spent way too much time watching Letterkenny. It's just so funny it's hard for me to say no when the urge to watch an episode or two or three strikes. And yoga. Being back on the mat feels wonderful. I'm always stunned by how quickly the strength builds. Noticeable differences happen each day. The yoga along with running up the hill with Ado has been my exercise for the last two weeks. The first time up the hill showed me just how out of condition I am. Each day I see a smidgeon of improvement, but I still have a long ways to go to get back to where I was last fall after all the cycling I'd been doing. It's nice to get a jump-start on getting in shape this year. I'm so ready to get the bike out, cycle to work, up to the lake on the weekends.

I sent a birthday wish to my sister this morning. Over the course of six texts, the reason we don't keep in touch was made very clear. Talk about miscommunication. I will take the blame--I'm hyper-aware of how words/phrases/grammar convey meaning, even if a particular meaning wasn't intended. I should have just ignored the response to my happy birthday text. I should have just let it go, but nooooo, I had to be the snarky one. And the conversation went downhill from there. After her last text, I said whatever and went about my day, but not before thinking all she had to do was simply say thank you.

Anyways, just a week left in February. Just two weeks until spring break. If I play my cards right with the assignments and grading, I won't have any work to worry about during spring break, which means I can write, write, and write some more. But I have to play my cards right, and that doesn't always work out the way I hope.


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