Long, Wistful Sigh

Just ten days left of my summer. Ten. Sad face. Tears sliding down my cheeks face.

Actually, I'm okay with the summer coming to a close. The two months of working from home were glorious, but it'll be good to get back on campus.

The bummer part about going into this fall semester is one of my good friends leaving. He was offered a beautiful deal with a two-year college in Michigan, one he couldn't pass up. It'll definitely be strange without him across the hall from me (though there is whispering of turning his office into a gaming room, complete with mini fridge and microwave).

His leaving opened up the opportunity for me to step back into teaching the Honors seminar course. That along with teaching English 102 in hybrid format and coordinating the writing center will be my load. I'm looking forward to all of it, especially the hybrid classes. I've been waiting and waiting for the hybrid classes to get the green light, and they finally did.

For the next ten days? Who knows. Maybe some long-distance rides. Maybe some lounging in bed til noon (like Ado will let that happen). Maybe getting back to the novel I started several weeks ago. Maybe some time spent tweaking the materials I used for the summer online course, using all of it as part of my hybrid class. The feedback from my summer students so far has been very positive, so I think I'm going to build upon what I created for them.

I do know for sure I'm going to write. I began a new project in late June, and so far I'm very happy with the direction it's going. I get jazzed just thinking about working on it, and I'm constantly writing down new ideas that can become part of the project. Each piece I add to the project moves it forward, which is motivation in and of itself.

So, Summer, you've been wonderful. I will miss you when we part ways, but hey, we still have ten days to play and soak in each other's company. Let's not waste a minute of what we have left!


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