May Poem
May's poem is definitely a very rough draft of a poem that kept nudging at me during a meeting today. I tried to participate in the meeting, and I think I did a pretty good job of listening and responding to my colleagues while at the same time jotting down words/ideas for the poem. Still some work to do as I feel like I'm just scratching the surface of what I really want from it. Alongside the Path Yesterday on my way to work, as I cycled along the path where last week I'd come across a beautiful dead bird, a long-beaked, feathers of golden brown and black bird, maybe a Long-Billed Dowicher, not known for these parts, but somehow here and maybe, hopefully, just reached the end of its time, I spotted a bicycle chain in the grass and slowed, but then kept going, thinking I would retrieve it on my way home. But I didn't. I forgot about it. This morning on my way to work, as I cycled along the path, I remembered the broken bicycle chain and looked for it, spotting...