Day 2 Getting Back At It

Since mid September, I haven't done much in regards to working out. Several things were pulling at me--work, my daughter being gone, Hubby still not finding employment--and I let the one thing that really does wonders for my state of mind be the one thing to got pushed to the side. Now, when I look back over the last two and a half months, I realize my semi unhappiness with my life can be chalked up to me stepping away from something as simple as walking for an hour a day. In a way, I'm kind of like the people who get depressed during the wintertime and use a day light to ease their distress. I need exercise to ease mine.

So yesterday I got back out there and walked for a little over an hour. The route I took is a path that offers lots of nature--squirrels, lots of different birds, a pretty little black and white cat sunning itself, and a pond with lots of geese coming and going. The path is also away from traffic and doesn't get a lot of use, with me being the only one walking it, so the only noises I had to deal with were that of nature.

Today I took a different route, all sidewalk. With the earphones in, I enjoyed the just under 5 miles while listening to good music--David Gray, Adele, Coldplay, Foster the People. I ended with an average pace of 4.4 mph, which isn't so bad considering I haven't been out and I definitely haven't been pushing myself for quite a few weeks now. I even jogged the last half mile, which is quite something given I'm not a jogger/runner by any stretch of the imagination.

Now I have the rest of the day ahead of me, and while I have some work to get finished up, a house that needs some attention, and grocery shopping to do, I don't feel overwhelmed. I feel very ready to tackle it all.


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