Been awhile....

since my last post. Actually, I've been toying with the idea of deleting the blog. Doing so would mean one less thing I have to feel guilty about not working on. Over the last two years or so, I have been trying to live by the "enoughness" rule--having just enough in my life to not feel pressured, to not feel like a failure for not completing whatever may be on the plate at any given time, and to not interfere with family time. Enoughness also reflects my desire to be happy with less all the way around. I don't need the designer clothes anymore, the bigger house where I have a room to call my studio, or the vacations every summer. I'm happy with what I have.

That said, when I actually began writing this post, I decided to continue with it. I have some ideas for what I can use the blog for, and I'll see how it goes for awhile.

And with that said, I'm going to begin now, actually tomorrow, with my attempt at my first sprint tri. I've been training since December, swimming, biking, and running, running being my worst event of the three. I have seen an improvement with the running, so tomorrow will be the test. My first goal is just to finish--I know I will as my fitness level has gone up tremendously over the last three months. My second goal, and the one I'm really concentrating on, is to finish the run in thirty minutes or less. I have such a mental block when it comes to running, but I'm determined to bring my time down tomorrow, even if it means yakking while I'm doing it.

The only obstacle in my way is me. It's time to attack the obstacle and prove to myself I'm stronger than I've ever believed.


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