Murphy Turns Two!

Today is Murphy's birthday. He is all of two years old. For the past two years I've had more than my fair share of laughs, all because of this little bundle of energy. I am a very lucky dog mom.

To start our day, we trekked to Mello-Creme donuts to get Murphy a birthday donut for breakfast. He enjoyed an apple fritter and a plain old-fashioned donut. Of the two, the plain old-fashioned was his favorite, and I know this because he would take a bite of the apple fritter then put it down. He would then give me that look of "you're trying to give me something with fruit in it." After a few long seconds, he would turn and walk away. As soon as I offered a bite of the plain old-fashioned, he was right there and made no hesitation whatsoever. The entire donut disappeared in seconds. Most of the apple fritter is still in his food bowl.

This afternoon we went for a hike along the creek and found the pond we spotted a couple of days ago on our hike across the bare soybean field. He had a pretty good time at the pond. He sank in sloppy mud up to his first joint when he walked to the edge of the pond. On the way back, we crossed a grassy field. Murphy had a fun bouncing through the grass that was taller than he is. I was happy the grass took most of the mud off his legs and paws.

I still have a Happy Birthday biscuit for his dessert tonight. Hopefully he'll enjoy that more than he did the apple fritter. 

P.S. Murphy's sheepherding days are no longer. We went back to Indiana last weekend, and no sooner had he walked into the pen to work that he turned around to just sit at the gate. He had absolutely no interest in herding sheep. No matter what was tried, Murphy basically said, "Nope. Not my jam." Now we are trying to figure out exactly what his jam is.


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