Settling In

Much needed rain graced us on and off the last couple of days. My lawn was beginning to show the suffering signs of drying out, but now it is vibrant green and lush again. Which means I'll have to mow tomorrow or the next day, most likely tomorrow. 

The first time I mowed my shoulders and biceps burned from pushing the mower over the nearly one-third acre of yard. I don't have a self-propelled mower. I have a JP propelled mower. Now, my shoulders and arms feel strong when I mow. The burning and fatigue are a thing of the past. It feels so good to know I've gained strength in muscles that have always been on the weaker side for me. 

I'm seeing the same strength and endurance improving with the cycling. I can comfortably complete 40 miles now. My last ride just a few evenings ago was just under 25 miles, but my average moving speed was 17.2. To say I was happy with this is an understatement. A few weeks ago my legs were tiring at the 20 mile mark, going 14.5 miles an hour. With each day on the bike, I can feel such a difference in how my body is responding. I am encouraged that my hope to complete a hundred mile ride later in the summer will actually happen. 

Now, almost two months into living in my new home, I'm still stunned every single day that I get to live here. This house, this small town . . . both are everything I've been dreaming about for a long, long time. I've learned where the nearest grocery store is -- about 16 miles away -- and though the prices are a bit higher than in the city, I don't have to drive 45 minutes one way to get groceries. I'd much rather spend a little more for food than spend an additional 50 minutes driving. I've also found a Dollar Store nearby, where I can get miscellaneous items, like extra pillows for my bed and a nice little area rug for the front porch. 

This guy visited for a couple of days last week. The first time I noticed him he was at the edge of the top step on the back porch. I nearly squashed him when I took some trash out to the trash bin. Each time I walked by, it never moved. The next day it was on the railing. The day after that it was on a baluster. Each day it just sat, never seeming perturbed with my coming and going. I've not seen it since the weekend now. I kind of wish it would come back, make the back porch its permanent home.

During Sunday's evening ride, the clouds were beautiful. I pulled off onto a gravel drive towards the end to snap some photos. Another wonderful aspect of living out here is I'm on rural roads in the blink of an eye when I set off on my bike. The countryside is my surroundings from the get-go, and it's always just so lovely.


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