Spring is Finally Here

Today the sun won out over the chill of the wind, and the temps climbed to 70. As soon as I walked outside this morning, I knew I could not let this day slip by without getting a longer ride in. So I planned to be out by noon, after delivering Hubby to the airport and after starting a new art piece just to see if what I was trying to do would work. It worked. I finished some of the new piece then turned my attention to getting the bike ready as well as myself ready. At noon, I was on the road.

Less than a quarter mile down the street, I had the thought of turning back to put a long-sleeved shirt under my jersey. The slight breeze was just enough cool to make me wonder if I would be miserable the entire ride. I decided I would eventually warm up, so I kept going. Around mile 30 I was wiping sweat from my face and very glad I hadn't put on the long sleeves. About a mile into the ride I realized I'd not put on gloves. I guess after riding on the trainer during the colder months, without gloves, put me in the mindset of gloves not needed. I thought about turning back, but being a mile away from the house made me say, "Nahhhh. I'll be fine." And I was. The hands didn't protest at all during the ride, and I never hit any holes that send a jarring pain up through the hands, so sans gloves worked out a-okay.

While my plan was to go for 40 miles, I wasn't concerned about speed. I really just wanted to see where the road took me, work out the kinks and maybe get some of the winter blahs out of my system. The snow, the cold, and the wind have all hung around a bit too long for my tastes. I love wearing sweaters, but there comes a time when layering and bundling up gets old. That old arrived over a month ago in all its gray haired, gray bearded glory. Time to take a hike, Old.

One of my ways to deal with Old has been to create. I found a stack of old windows on the curb. I couldn't just let them stay there all sad and lonely, so I brought several of them home with me. Two have been brightened up and are now gracing our deck. They truly make me smile. I'm working on a third, creating a more folk art kind of scene on it, and so far it is coming along nicely. Where it will hang is still up in the air, but I'm thinking maybe the garden fence might be a good home for it.

Another bright note: Hubby is back to work. Three plus long years of being unemployed put him in a dark place, but now, after just one week of being back to work, I see the happiness again. That happiness looks good on him.

Yeah, life is perking up. Feels wonderful.


J said…
Wow, I love the window idea!!!
And congrats to hubby! This has been a long time coming!
JK said…
Thank you. I'll pass your congrats on to him. Miss you!

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