Fall Has Set In

I love fall. The leaves changing to red, gold, yellow, and brown always make me nostalgic for the falls of my childhood, when we lived in southern Michigan. The smell lingering in the air, that of cleansing away the heat of summer and vegetation becoming part of the earth, makes me inhale deeply, filling my lungs, my being with what it might mean to be in the later stages of life. The brisk air means I can wear my flannel pajamas, which I hurriedly change into everyday right after I return home from work. I settle in for the evening, snuggling into the couch to watch TV or read a good book (sometimes a bad book). Darkness creeps in earlier, making me slow down, not feel the need to always be doing something just because there is still daylight. Soon we will set our clocks back an hour, shortening our daylight hours even further and giving me even more reason to settle in early.

Sometimes I think I'm still too young to stay in as much as I do. I've never been one to want to go out in the evenings. I'm perfectly happy being at home. My boys are like this, and I'm not sure if this is a good thing or not. Perhaps they will change as they get older. My daughter loves being out with her friends, so the boys, when they are able to drive, will probably follow suit. For now, though, they're content to be at home, huddled with me on the couch. Lately, we've shifted to my bed which accommodates my husband, me, the boys, and the dog. We've had many nights of movies, popcorn, and talk while hanging out on the bed.

Today the rain has settled in. I'm really looking forward to this evening when I can don the flannel, fill a bowl with popcorn, lounge on the couch, and call it a day. Even if it's only five o'clock, that's okay with me.


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