The One-Year Mark
One year ago this past week, I signed on the dotted line and took possession of my little house. The day after I received the key to the back door, we were ordered to stay home. Needing to move my belongings out of the rental Angel Baby and I were living in, I spent the next three days loading boxes filled with stuff into the Jeep and made as many trips as I could each day. My landlord let me borrow his truck to haul the large pieces of furniture, and with the help of Lovely Beautiful Daughter and Angel Baby, we managed to get everything moved in those three days. It was my fourth time moving in as many years, and I truly hope it will be my final move for the rest of my life. I have not regretted the decision to buy even one nano-second through the last 12 months. If anything, each day I fall deeper and deeper in love with this house that has stood on this plot of land for the last 103 years. The moment I stepped through the door the day the realtor was hosting an open house...