I awoke very early this morning, around 4 am, and turned towards the window. Through the lace curtains I could see two very bright "stars" in the southeastern sky. I got out of bed and parted the curtains to get a better view. I knew the "stars" were more likely planets because of how bright they were and how they didn't "twinkle" like stars do. The stars . . . incredible. In the city, I would go to the hill near the apartment and stargaze, but I always felt a tad disappointed in not being able to really see the stars. This morning, I stood at the window for some time, taking in the view. I could see the stars so clearly. I had the thought of going outside to lie down in the grass to take in the beauty of the early morning sky, but I decided to snuggle back under the covers for a couple more hours. Curious about the celestial bodies I had seen at 4 am, I did some research and found a site that gives the night sky for the date and time submitted. A...